Improv Acting Class
Instructor- Holly Baer
Grades: 8th-12th

Acting and Improvisation is designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of acting and improvisation as they explore the technique, methods, and creativity that are unique to these forms. In this course, students will be introduced to basic acting terminology, performance techniques, improvisation skills, and theatre history. Students will engage with monologues and scene work to explore the thoughts, feelings, and actions of a character as they work independently and with fellow classmates. The elements of improv will be taught to help actors learn teamwork, gain confidence, and understand the importance of story.
$200 Spring Semester
To register, contact Holly Baer
Biology with Lab
Taught from a Biblical Worldview
Instructor- Matt Sanders
Class will include exams and practicums as well.
Text: Exploring Creation With Biology (Apologia), 2-hour class. $300 per semester, if you register for the class and pay a $50 deposit by May 1st. The balance can be paid in the fall. After May 1st, tuition is $350. (1 High School Credit).
To register contact Matt Sanders. Matt Sanders Class Info

Chemistry with Lab
Taught from a Biblical Worldview
Instructor- Matt Sanders
This course provides a rigorous foundation in chemistry in preparation for college-level chemistry. Topics covered include significant figures, units, classification, the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, molecular geometry, the gas laws, and equilibrium. The second hour of class will alternate weeks between a lab period, and a structured math tutoring time. We will do at least one lab for each chapter. Most students also need some extra help with the math that goes with Chemistry.
Two-hour class: $300 per semester, if you register for the class and pay a $50 deposit by May 1st. The balance can be paid in the fall. After May 1st, tuition is $350. (High School Credit). Text: Discovering Design with Chemistry (ISBN 978-0-9962784-6-1) Answer Key and Tests (ISBN 978-0-9962784-7-8)
To register, contact Matt Sanders Website:

American Government
Taught From a Christian Perspective
Instructor: Lisa Wong​
Government (Fall Semester)
Course fee $300
How do Christian citizens participate in government? We will study the Constitution, the balance of power between three branches and the protections afforded each citizen. We will discuss a citizen's rights and responsibilities and apply our studies to current events. This class also covers California state and local government, including similarities and notable differences as compared to the federal government structure. Students will be assigned weekly reading in the text and over the course of the semester, will be assigned short papers as well as a multi-part project on the Constitution.
Textbook: American Government in Christian Perspective, Third Edition (Abeka)
For more information about the class, contact Lisa Wong.

Taught from a Christian perspective
Instructor: Lisa Wong
Spring Semester
Course fee: $300
Why do Apple and Tesla get to charge so much? Why do an increasing number of Americans embrace socialist ideals? Economics class covers a balance of micro and macro-economics, including supply and demand, supplier and consumer behavior, major economic systems, the factors of production, GDP, economic policies concerning international trade, the business cycle, and current events related to economics. Students will be assigned weekly reading in the text and over the semester, will complete a multi-part comprehensive personal budget project.
Textbook: Work and Prosperity in Christian Perspective, Third Edition (Abeka)
To register, contact Lisa Wong.

Instructor - Michele Small
(1 High School Credit - Prerequisite Algebra 1)
This course provides a strong mathematical foundation in geometry. Concepts covered in the course include the nature of reasoning, lines and angles, triangle congruence, inequalities, parallel lines, quadrilaterals, transformations, area, similarity, the right triangle, circles, concurrence theorems, regular polygons, and geometric solids. Students also learn two-column proofs and complete various constructions.
Required Textbook: Holt McDougal Geometry: Student Edition 2011; ISBN-13: 978-0030995750.
$350/semester private pay
To register, contact Michele Small

Algebra 1
Instructor- Michele Small
Grades 8th- High School
The mystery is solved and X can be found with Michele Small. Using Saxon Algebra 1, we will learn in small steps to simplify, evaluate, add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomial, rational, and radical expressions. Second semester we will factor polynomials; solve linear equations, linear systems, quadratic, rational, and radical equations and linear inequalities of one and two variables.
Using Saxon Algebra 1’s spiral method, old concepts are reviewed and new concepts taught gradually to provide your student confidence as they move forward in math. (1 high school credit) $300/semester private pay
Required Textbooks:
ISBN-13: 978-1565771345, Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd edition textbook
ISBN-13: 978-1565771376 Algebra 1 Solutions Manual
ISBN-13: 978-1565771390 Algebra 1 Test Manual
To register, contact Michele Small.
Personal Finance
Instructor: Desiree Lang
Foundations in Personal Finance for Homeschool emphasizes life application while teaching money principles that will change your students’ lives forever. They will learn how to pay cash for their first car, graduate from college debt-free, give in generous and meaningful ways and more!
Students will watch Dave Ramsey video segments each week during class. Then, as time permits, they will engage in interative and lively discussions as they brainstorm how to apply biblical principles to their tithing, spending, and saving. Participants will also have homework assignments in the Dave Ramsey Personal Foundation Homeschool Edition Workbook.
8th grade - 12th Grade (& Moms!)
For more info about the class or to join, contact Desiree Lang

Vendor for most community providers

Instructor Georgina Tanefski
Conversational Spanish - Jr. & High school
¡Sigue adelante! Keep going! Improve your conversational skills in a peer-friendly environment. For students in 7th - 12th grades who speak some Spanish. 3 different times, same great class! Tuesday 9:30 -10:30 am OR Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30 am OR 10:30 - 11:30 am.
Weekly homework: students prepare written outline or notes on given topics for class conversations. Activities, games and oral presentations to promote talking in class. Where else do you hear that?! :) Teacher will moderate to assist with oral production: vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Some reading and writing required for homework, but this should not be considered a writing class.
No textbook required. Minimum 5 students for class to remain open. I like to keep the class size small (10 max.) so students get as much "talk" time as possible.
For all Spanish classes: There is only one requirement- the student must be the one who wants to learn Spanish! Students will engage in relevant conversations, activities and games. Weekly homework will be assigned. To register, contact Georgina ¿Hay preguntas? Questions?
$150 per semester (private pay)
$180 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
To register, contact Georgina

High School English
Vendor for Granite Mountain & Sky Mountain
Instructor: Amy Payne
High School English Credit
My name is Amy Payne and I love making writing FUN for all! My goal is to open the world of writing for students who may not enjoy it yet. AND, for those who are already prolific writers, we will creatively find solutions to challenge their abilities while preparing them for a world that evaluates ideas based on the strength of their prose. This one-year class is structured to emphasize a foundation in classical rhetoric based on a Christian worldview. The key course objectives are helping the student learn to write coherently, effectively, and with style. In high school, students plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. I keep the standards for thorough writing skills front of mind while working with your students. High school students practice all forms of writing and will learn to produce error-free essays that demonstrate their awareness of audience and purpose. Students will self-edit their essays for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of standard American English. Peer editing and group projects enhance the FUN! We will create writing circles, have contests and games, and enrich our vocabulary as we learn to smoothly express our thoughts and find ways to effectively research and credit sources. An emphasis is placed on writing coherent and focused essays that convey a well-defined perspective and tightly reasoned argument. Writing skillsets include researching, prewriting, drafting, editing, and publishing. Fun units include fiction story-telling, writing a job or college resume, formal correspondence, presenting yourself coherently in online situations, writing a great college essay, and more! As a recent college grad who accomplished a debt-free scholarship-paid education, I can show your student how to draw on personal experience to create compelling essays and other vital works. Come join us for an action-packed year!
$300 per semester (private pay)
$350 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
For more information about the class, contact Amy Payne
Spanish 1 & 2
Vendor for most community providers
Instructor: Señora Ingersoll
GRADES: High School

**Complement to Conversational Spanish** During this course, students will cover proper usage of verbs in different tenses, basic sentence structure, and build vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening comprehension skills.
Students will also learn about famous people, songs, and topics of life in Hispanic countries. Students will have a project on a Hispanic country as well.
Weekly homework and unit quizzes will be assigned. Online “Office hours” will be available for questions regarding homework.
Text: TBD
$225 per semester (private pay)
$275 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
$25 deposit to reserve spot (not part of tuition)
$25 materials fee
To register, contact Valeria Ingersoll
College & Careers
Discussion Facilitator: Valeria Ingersoll
9th-12th grades
College and career class provides students the skills they need to create, live and lead a successful life.
Students will learn about goal setting, time management, learning styles and personality types amongst many other helpful concepts that will help them be successful in the work place and/or college campuses.
We will also have guest speakers from different walks of life. College graduates, trade experts and self employed individuals.
This course is a full semester and students receive credit for it. ( life skills or leadership development)
$150 per semester
$25 deposit to hold spot (is not part of tuition.)
$25 material fee
Contact Valeria Ingersoll to register

US History
Vendor for most community providers
Instructor- Amy Payne
This 90-minute-per-week year-long course follows state of California standards and is an entire action-packed year strategically covered for maximum learning to create history and literature lovers and terrific writers. The class will impact your student and motivate him/her to invest in their generation through the inspiration of live speakers/guests, special outside activities, such as optional, informative, experiential field trips. Hands-on field trip possibilities include several Civil War experiences, Nixon Library, Lincoln Memorial Shrine, Planes of Fame Air Museum, Railway Museum, or the U.S.S. Midway, San Diego.
The key course objectives are helping the student to gain a respect and knowledge about the sacrifices made upon our great nation’s founding and understanding what our ancestors sacrificed to bring the American Dream to our nation and the world. We will study the depth and breadth of America: Meso-Americans, early exploration, Manifest Destiny, the Revolution for freedom from tyranny, the Trail of Tears, Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrial Revolution, Transcontinental railroad, revivals such as the Great Awakening, prohibition, & women’s suffrage, the Great Migration, the Jazz Age, the Great Depression, Dust Bowl, & the New Deal, America’s wars, the Space Race & the Cold War, Civil Rights, American Exceptionalism, the war on terror, & the 21st century.
We will spend the bulk of our time discussing events important to America’s future, differentiating democratic republics with free-market systems, from socialism, Marxism, & communism. We will do hands-on group projects & present student’s personal lessons & insights. Other sections of class will focus on reading great books & original source documents, watching film excerpts, crafting posters & artwork, etc. We will conclude with our grand finale project. The class will require significant outside preparation time for homework, research, study, & viewing related media – about 4-6 hours per week. Please come join us for a FUN class this year!
$300 per semester (private pay)
$350 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
Payment options and charters available. Discounts for cash, siblings, referrals, and more
To register or for more information, contact Amy.
Western Civilization
Instructor: Shannon Baer
Vendor for most community providers
This course will survey the culture and values of Western Civilization through the humanities. We will tour the world’s most significant examples of art, music, philosophy and literature from early civilization through today. It is my hope that this exploration brings students to an understanding of beauty and truth in human endeavors. The text for this course is Culture & Values - A Survey of the Humanities 9th Edition.
$200 per semester (private pay)
$250 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
Contact Shannon Baer to register

Speech and Debate
Vendor for Granite Mountain and Sky Mountain
Instructor- Amy Payne
Coherent, engaging, persuasive writing and SPEAKING are two of the most necessary skills in the modern world. Yet, when asked their biggest fear, more Americans chose public speaking than chose death! I hate to hear that. My name is Amy Payne and I am a communications bachelor from California Baptist University Summa Cum Laude with expertise in all sorts of verbal competencies. Public speaking does not come naturally for us all, but with practice, confidence-building, understanding, and the proper training, everyone can be an engaging public speaker. Let me help take the pain from this process for your student! Having this skill is priceless for the rest of their lives. And for those who love to talk - we can work on finding something worthwhile to say! This course is designed to enhance the God-given gifts of creativity and personality as we train ourselves to be better speakers and debaters using classical theories. Class will focus on rhetorical basics, Aristotle's Triad, devices, logical fallacies, Monroe's Motivational Sequence, and learning to deliver concise, entertaining, and useful speeches in all sorts of situations. Students will learn to deliver impromptu speeches, special occasion speeches (toasts, dedications, thank-yous), expository speeches, demonstrative speeches, persuasive speeches, how to use visual aids, and more! Once we have strengthened our confidence, we will learn the various categories of argumentation and debate (Lincoln-Douglas, Parliamentarian, and Team Policy). We will learn to research and follow arguments, reason both sides of an issue, and engage Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to capture our audiences. If there is student interest, we can start a debate team and compete locally. Concepts are reinforced with word games, fun contests, and activities that make students forget that they are learning a skill. Come join us for an amazing experience!
$300 per semester (private pay)
$350 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
To register or for more information, contact Amy.
Life Stance
Discussion Facilitator: Shannon Baer
9th-12th grades
A person's life stance, or lifestance, is their relation with what they accept as being of ultimate importance. It involves the presuppositions and theories upon which such a stance could be made, a belief system, and a commitment to potentials working it out in one's life. This class will focus on expressing ourselves as we discuss big ideas, current events, and biblical worldview. A place for students to grapple with questions and generate answers with an engaged group of peers in order to gain confidence and understanding. We will not be using any particular text; however, Prager U videos are a favorite.
$150 per semester
Contact Shannon Bear to register

Art Through Photography
Vendor for most community providers
Instructor: Cynthia Garcia
High School
In this course students will learn to use photography to create art. We will learn about light. How to find it and how to use it in our pictures. We will learn how to use our cameras. We will find our own style to tell a story and learn to document through photography.
We will have in class discussions, activities with lots of hands on learning with weekly homework assignments of taking pictures and editing using the techniques we learn about. The class will have an online blog that they will learn to use. Its where assignments will be posted and where we will all post our work. Students will research styles of photography as well as photographers for a final project.
Students will have time in class to use a DSLR to learn basic functions and learn hands on. Students may use any camera and editing software they have available for assignments. Phone camera, DSLR, etc. We will spend some time in each class learning the camera functions, settings and more technical parts of the camera they are specifically using as well as editing software they are using.
$200 per semester (private pay)
$250 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
To register, Cynthia Garcia

Photography Careers
Vendor for most community providers
Instructor: Cynthia Garcia
GRADES High School
Photography is used to document and persevere memories but it can be a career as well. In this class we will explore different photography careers with a main focus on social media and marketing. Students will build portfolios, create proposals as well as create content and maintain a socia media page.
Must have taken Art through Photography or be able to properly shoot in manual mode.
High School
$225 per semester (private pay)
$275 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
To register, Cynthia Garcia

Comparative Religions
Taught from a Christian perspective
Instructor: Derek Mackie
Are all religions the same? Do all roads lead to heaven? What makes Christianity? In this class, students will learn about religions around the world and will compare them to the gospel. Students will also attend a few fieldtrips. (High school elective credit). $200 per semester.
Contact Derek Mackie to register.

Culinary Arts for Teens
Instructor: Katherine Kenz
High School
Cooking is FUN and delicious! Students will make delicious food every class. This class will explore cooking techniques, food safety, a little science behind cooking delicious food, and making simple to more complex dishes. Students will learn how to prepare a variety of things from salads, desserts, poultry and meat, bread, baked goods, and even some ethnic foods. There will be some light homework preparing a food project at home and a light written component further developing concepts learned in class.
Fee: $250 per semester

Art: Drawing Techniques
Instructor: Gina D'Elia
Vendor for most community providers
Think drawing is a gift that has to come naturally?
You might be surprised to see that drawing is a skill that can be developed with practice.
In Art- Drawing Techniques, students will learn how to draw utilizing techniques that teach them how to draw what they see, not what they think they see. We will further explore using shapes and lines to understand the basic form of an object by focusing on Composition and Rendering Skills.
Students will also be introduced to “The Elements and Principles of Art” and how to apply them, in a variety of subject matter, (Still Life, Portraits, Animation, Animals, Optical Illusions, Linear Perspective, and Landscapes) and Mediums (Sketching, Charcoal, Colored Pencil, Pen and Ink).
This class is designed for those who have little experience and those with experience, to thrive. Students will work on technical skills, with their instructor, while developing their own personal style and meaning to their work. Every year, new pieces are created to teach new and returning students, engaging and dynamic masterpieces of art!
$250 per semester (private pay)
$300 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
To register, contact Gina.

The Art of Making
Vendor for most Community Providers
Instructor: Shannon Baer
GRADES 6th-12th
The visual arts have profound purpose and meaning for us as individuals and corporately as a culture. We will explore imagination and develop skills as we inspire and support one another in the Art of Making. This class will be less focused on traditional drawing and painting but instead on printmaking, metal work, photo transparencies, recycled materials, sculpture, wood work and mixed media. For this class each student will need a pair of latex coated gardening gloves and a smock or apron. This course will cover many of the California Common Core Visual Arts State Standards.
$225 per semester
To register, contact Shannon Baer

4 Twelve Student Leadership
Leadership, Service & ASB
ASB Coordinator: Desiree Lang
Grades: High School
Semester Fee: $150 per semester
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12
412 Student Leadership & ASB is an opportunity for teens to hone their leadership skills, build community, and inspire others to take action. The goal of this group is to provide training and tools for students to feel confident in their abilities to make a positive difference in their families, community, and world. Students will learn how to lead independently and as a group.
The class will also include an official Associated Student Body, which is a student government and leadership group consisting of a combination of elected and appointed positions that represent the student body, serves the homeschooling community, and creates fun and engaging events for FUNdamentals families.
Students will be required to choose, research, organize, and lead one to two campus-wide or community service projects focusing on a specific need.
As a member of the 412 Leadership Class, student leaders will be responsible for researching, organizing, planning, and implementing service, social, and spirit building activities and events.
Students will be encouraged to organize, plan, and implement monthly community-building spirit days (CRAZY FUN Days) on the last Wednesday of each month as well as organize, plan, and lead special campus events or fundraisers to celebrate or highlight special days or holidays. The proceeds of one or some of these activities will be donated to help offset the cost of facility fees.
Students will be encouraged to organize, plan, and implement one large social gathering or event for homeschool teenagers. They will also be responsible for planning one large social gathering our our entire FUN community of families.
Each month, a character trait will be highlighted, with the intention of developing Godly habits. At the first of every month, a character trait, along with scripture references, will be introduced. Throughout that month, each class will start with students quickly sharing new ways they have incorporated that trait into their lives.
Additionally, in an effort to inspire students to consider community needs and ways in which they can help meet those needs, community service leaders and business leaders will be invited to speak to the students, either on campus during class, or as a field trip, about good leadership attributes and how their service continues to impact their communities.
This class will be a combination of in-person and online. Students will meet twice a week: In-person on Wednesdays from 12:00-12:30 and, on an as needed basis, for an hour through ZOOM on Thursdays 11am - 12pm (this time may change once we get closer to our semester).
For more information or to join the class, Contact Desiree Lang.

Dance FUNdamentals
Community Provider for most charter schools
Instructor Anita Fischer
​5th -12th Grade
Do you need PE?
Do you love to dance but don’t have time to commit to studio life?
Come and have FUN while learning all different forms of Dance.​
This class will be divided into sessions where we focus on a different style of dance. Each Session will include a warm up & Conditioning, some technique or center work and choreography. By the end of each individual unit you will be able to perform a short dance.
We teach Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip hop. Performance opportunities will be offered.
15 week session (5- 12th grade)
$200 per semester (private pay)
$250 per semester (charter funds)
**Discount is given when class fee is paid in full before the beginning of each semester.**
​To register for the class, contact Anita.

From Page to Stage Productions
Broadway Style Theatre that Glorifies the Lord
Instructor / Director: Rebekah Mackie
Co-Instructor/ Assistant Director: Desiree Lang
Students will experience performing in a Broadway Style Show in an atmosphere that brings glory to God in all that we do. They will learn about the audition process, acting, stage presence, singing, harmony, blocking, and choreography. The end of the 2nd semester will culminate with a live performance. SHOW TBA
Grades K-12th grade . Wednesdays from 9:00-10:30. $150 fall semester & $50 spring semester (sibling discounts available). During the school year, additional costs per student will include: purchase or rent a costume (approx. $35-100 depending on role casted), purchase a cast t-shirt and food/ drink item to the concession stand for show.
To register for the class, contact Rebekah Mackie