Priority Registration
for 2023-2024 FUN Classes

Wednesday APRIL 12TH
ONE Day ONLY, IN PERSOn, & ON Campus
Current FUN Families
Current FUN Families can register for 2023-24 FUNdamental Classes starting April 12th. Many of our FUN classes fill up quickly so current FUN families have an opportunity to register for next year before open enrollment begins online on May 1st.
2023-2024 FUN Registration FORMS
are given to current families by their current FUN Instructors.
for Priority Registration during the month of April.
**If you are not on campus April 12th, you can mail your registration form with the Ed Share/ Co-op Contribution to the address on the bottom of the form. Mailed forms will not be processed before April 12th**
Get 2023-2024 FUN Registration from your current FUN Instructor.
Bring ALL completed and signed forms Wednesday, APRIL 12TH (anytime between 8:00 AM- 3:30 PM).
Give the form to Mike De Francisco at the Registration table along with your annual FUN Registration Co-Op Contribution.
Once your student is officially registered with FUNdamentals, you will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours with directions on how to enroll your student in the classes you want. You are not automatically enrolled in classes when you register for FUN co-op. You must contact the teachers directly.
**FUNdamentals is NOT a school, a PSP or a vendor.
We are a co-op of homeschooling families who learn together.
We are not a legal covering nor do we keep student records.**
NEW TO FUNdamentals?
Open Enrollment and Online Registration for NEW Families will begin MAY 1ST.
Would you like to join us next year?