
Parent INFO Meeting
Wednesday, August 31st
Families that are registered to take classes @ FUNdmentals Co-Op (2022-2023) are required to attend ONE Parent Orientation & Info Meeting. Important information and safety guidelines will be given. Due to space, only one parent needs to attend.
Three Meeting Times to choose from:
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
4:00 PM
September 6th & 7th
1st Day of Class
Tuesday & Wednesday
Picture Day
Tuesday & Wednesday
September 20th & 21st

Crazy FUN Day:
Crazy Hair & Sock Day
The last Tuesday & Wednesday of each month ASB sponsors a Crazy FUN Day! Come to class wearing your craziest socks or do your hair in the craziest creation you can imagine. Style it. Dye it. Spray it.

Sabbath Break
Every 7th Week, FUN Co-Op takes a break. There will be no classes this week.
Tuesday & Wednesday
September 27th & 28th
Tuesday & Wednesday
October 18th and 19th

Crazy FUN Day:
Crazy Costume Day
The last Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ASB sponsors a Crazy FUN Day! Come to class wearing your costume or your craziest outfit. Mix and match! Come as a walking pun. Dress as your favorite literary, musical or movie character. **No scary or bloody costumes or fake weapons.**
Thanks for Giving
Donation Drive
Month of November
We are so thankful for Hills Church Community, Pastor Walter, and Ernie! Help us show our gratitude.
Please donate one or both of the following:
1) Homemade "Thank You" card
2). Gift cards (gas, books, grocery, etc.)
Drop off at the coffee bar area.
**If you would like to volunteer on the 2nd or 4th Friday of each month at HIll Church's Food Bank, please contact Carrie.
Due Nov 15th & 16th
Tuesday & Wednesday
October 25th and 26th

Thanksgiving Break
NO CLASS THIS WEEK! Happy Thanksgiving! May the Lord bless you and keep you and shine his face upon you!

Come to class wearing your ugliest Christmas sweater or just stay in your PJ's for the day!
This is the only day in December most classes meet. **Several high school classes and make up classes meet on Tues, Dec. 12th and Wednesday, Dec. 13th. Check with your FUN instructor.**
Tuesday & Wednesday
November 22nd & 23rd
Tuesday & Wednesday
December 6th & 7th
Crazy FUN Day:
Ugly Sweater & PJ Day

Christmas Break
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Enjoy your break and we will see you in the new year!

Classes Resume
Tuesday and Wednesday
Welcome Back!
All classes resume this week.
January 3rd & 4th
December 8th- January 2nd

Bring Dad to FUN
Instead of "Bring Your Child to Work Day," it is "Bring Your Dad to FUN Day!"
If Dad can't come, feel free to bring your grandpa or your favorite uncle. We want everyone to participate in our FUN!

Crazy FUN Day:
Super Hero Day
The last Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ASB sponsors a Crazy FUN Day! Come to class dressed as your favorite super hero. Batman, Ironman, Captain America, or Wonder Woman! Don't forget fireman, police officers, military soldiers, and health care providers are also super heroes!
Tuesday & Wednesday
January 24th & 25th
Tuesday & Wednesday
January 24th & 25th
February 14th & 15th
January 31st & February 1st
Crazy FUN Day:
Anything But Backpack Day
The last Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ASB sponsors a Crazy FUN Day! This month come to class without your backpack! Use any container. Be creative.
**No Animals.**

This year we are celebrating National Pi Day (3/14). Come to the Coffee Bar throughout the day to get a free slice of pie or a free slice of pizza pie.

The last Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ASB sponsors a Crazy FUN Day! This month's theme is Tacky Tourist!
Let's see those fanny packs, Hawaian shirts, and flip flops.
Tuesday & Wednesday
February 21st & 22nd
March 28th & 29th

National Pi Day: 3.14
Crazy FUN Day:
Tacky Tourist
Tuesday & Wednesday

Priority Registration
Priority Registration for CURRENT FUN Families begins ONLINE the Week of April 10th
Current FUN Instructors need to email Carrie, the director, for the 2023-2024 FUN Registration forms.
Read, sign, and submit online starting anytime on or after April 10th. Registration forms will not be accepted before April 10th.
Within 48 hours of submitting the online form, a confirmation email with instructions on how to enroll in classes will be sent.
After you have registered with the FUN co-op director, you must contact the teachers directly to enroll in their classes. Students are not automatically enrolled in classes when they register for FUN co-op.

Easter Break
Tuesday and Wednesday
It is our 7th Week and Easter Break. Enjoy your break and time with family.
April 4th and 5th
Begins Week of April 10th

Crazy FUN Day:
Decade Day
It is the last Tuesday and Wednesday of the month! Pick your favorite decade and come to class wearing a crazy outfit from that time. Raid your mom's closet (or your grandma's)! Let's see those bell bottoms, poddle skirts, flapper dresses, and totally rad 80's outfits.
Tuesday & Wednesday
April 25th & 26th
April TBA
Begins May 1st
Tuesday & Wednesday
May 9th & 10th
Wednesday, May 9th & 10th

Senior Day
This week @ FUN we will be honoring and celebrating our Seniors at lunch and throughout the day. Photo booths will be set up on campus to take candids with your favorite senior. Seniors will be recgonized in classes as high school instructors honor them and bless them. Moms of Seniors will be receive special thank you gifts and Graduates will be treated to a special on campus lunch.
May 23rd and 24th
Wednesday, May 17th