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Parent Orientation Meeting for Wednesday Classes @ FUNdamentals for all NEW & RETURNING FUN families as well as for ANY family who is interested in joining FUNdamentals (2019-2020 school year).

For your convenience, we have two different times you can attend on Wednesday, August 28th (9:00-10:30 or 12:00-1:30). You do not need to attend both but PLEASE ATTEND ONE! In between the meetings from 10:30-12:00, we will have an "Instructor Meet & Greet" and class registration time.


  • Discuss important campus and class guidelines and as well as a few important changes

  • Share classes offered, how to register with FUNdamentals, and enroll in classes

  • Explain how to pay FUN fees, class tuitions, and how to use charter school funds for several of our classes

  • Learn how to stay informed during the school year

  • Meet other FUNdamental families and ways moms can get connected and take classes too!

  • Check out the facility and classrooms

  • Info on Iceland Trip with Mr. Sanders and Mr. De Francisco

  • Q & A time

  • "Meet and Greet" instructors and enroll in classes (10:30-12:00)

IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST YEAR TO HOMESCHOOL OR YOU ARE THINKING OF HOMESCHOOLING, we will have a "How To Homeschool" info session from 2:00-3:30. Please join us. Carrie De Francisco will explain how to legally homeschool in CA and will share easy and FUN ways to homeschool your first year.


©2018 by FUNdamentals: Wednesday Classes for Homeschoolers. Proudly created with

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