Did You Know?My husband, Mike, and I are the co-founders and directors of FUNdamentals Co-Op. Since I teach all day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I do...
Moms, Do You Need a Break?This week, Feb 22nd & 23rd, is our Sabbath Break @ FUNdamentals. Enjoy your week off. Moms, do you need a more intentional break? If...
CRAZY FUN DAY!February is FRIENDSHIP Month @ FUN! FEB 15th and 16th: CRAZY FUN DAY "Twinsie/Triplet/BFF Day" Come to FUN dressed in identical outfits...
FRIENDSHIP MONTH @FUNFebruary is FRIENDSHIP Month @ FUN! FEB 15th and 16th: CRAZY FUN DAY "Twinsie/Triplet/BFF Day" Come to FUN dressed in identical outfits...
2nd SEMESTER STARTS TODAY Don't forget to submit your 2nd Semester fee directly to your instructor next week. NEW CLASSES STARTING FEB. 1ST AND 2ND Life Stance...