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Wednesday Co-Op @ FUNdamentals will open their doors for the 2020-2021 school year on Wednesday, September 9th!

Due to construction and remodeling at our host facility, all learning sessions will meet ONLINE the first two weeks (Sept. 9th and 16th).


1. All families must read, sign, and follow our new co-op sick policy.

2. All families must read, sign, and agree to our new co-op Covid Liability and Waiver form and policy.

3. During the fall, learning sessions will meet outside whenever weather permits or whenever it best suits the learning instructor.

4. While indoors, social distancing practices will be implemented according to the physical space available. When social distancing is not an option, facial coverings will be used following the CDC guidelines.

5. Mask are required on campus when social distancing is not possible. However, we will also honor all exceptions set forth by the CDC and L.A. County Health Department. According to L. A. County, children in grades K-2nd are not required to wear a facial covering. Ultimately, it is at the parent's discretion to decide if his/her child falls under one of the face covering exceptions. Signs will be posted as a reminder.

6. Each room will have a designated "Enter" and "Exit" door. The stairwells will have a designated "Up" and "Down" direction. Signs will be posted as a reminder.

7. When possible, windows and doors will remain open for flow of fresh air.

8. Learning sessions will end 15 minutes early this year so volunteers and parents can disinfect each room, including but not limited to door knobs, chairs, tables, white boards, etc.

9. We will minimize the use of shared materials and shared toys this year. Each instructor will notify parents of how supplies will be used and stored during and in-between weekly learning sessions. No toys or books in the Nursery and/or youth rooms can be used.

10. Following our Sick Policy and CDC Guidelines, several volunteers will conduct universal screening including temperature checks for children who are K-12th grade age. It is the responsibility of the parent to check the child's temperature before joining FUN activities. If a fever or any other signs of sickness are present, parents should follow the Sick Policy. Signs will be posted as a reminder.

11. No food will be served this year during breaks or lunch time. The Vending Machines are off limits this year as well. Please do not share food or drinks with those not in your family.

12. Bathrooms now have no-touch capabilities. Families are encouraged to wash hands frequently throughout the day. Hand sanitizer stations will also be present around campus. Families are encouraged to use them before and after each learning session. Signs will be posted as a reminder.

13. In accordance to our sick policy, please contact Carrie De Francisco if a family member has tested positive for COVID-19. If your child is in a class with this individual, you will be notified but according to HIPA laws, the family's name will remain confidential. The class will meet online the following week for a 14 day self-quarantine. If 7 or more families test positive for COVID-19 in a 14-day period, ALL learning sessions will go online the following week for a 14 day self-quarantine.

MORE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN AT OUR PARENT INFO & ORIENTATION MEETING AUGUST 26TH. Please register for a time slot and attend. We have limited spots available at each meeting due to social distancing. Very important information will be explained and vital forms need to be signed so please make every effort to attend . Thank you.

**FUNdamentals is NOT a school, a private satellite program (PSP), a business, a charter school vendor, or a church. FUNdamental's co-op is made up of homeschooling families who wish to fellowship and learn together.**

©2018 by FUNdamentals: Wednesday Classes for Homeschoolers. Proudly created with

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