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Please Read & Pass Along

Our volunteer cleaning crew

Deserves a huge Thank You!

You won't believe what they have seen

And what they've been forced to clean.

The boy's bathroom is always a mess.

There is more to clean instead of less.

Why just this week, they wiped pee off the tiles

While picking up rolls and rolls of TP piles.

The little girl's room wasn't any better.

Surprisingly, their floors were even wetter.

Even the toilets were all stopped up

Only to be unclogged with a hand and a cup.

The nursery had donut crumbs all over the floor.

I wish that was it, but there is so much more.

How can you help our cleaning crew?

Here are several things that you can do.

If there's a mess in the vending room,

Sweep the food crumps with a broom.

If you notice puddles of pee,

Please clean it; this is our plea.

Push your chairs in where ever you sit.

Every gesture helps a little bit.

Throw away your trash

And take home all of your stash.

Then every day when you see our crew,

Give them a huge smile and say, "Thank You."

I hope you didn't think my Ode was mean.

We just really need your help to keep our campus clean.

Jessica Pedevillano, Tania Costigan, Ernie, Toni Brown, & Vanessa Garcia

**Not in the picture: Mr. and Mrs. De**


1 Comment

Sep 29, 2022

Thanks to all of you!


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