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Save the dates! Mark your calendars!

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17th: Last day to drop off your "Thanks for Giving" donations and homemade "Thank You" Cards.**

SATURDAY, NOV. 20th: FUN Movie Night 6:00PM @ Hills Church (Parking Lot).

We will be watching "Ratatouille." This event is sponsored by ASB and is FREE! All are invited! Treats will be available to buy.

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23 & 24: Thanksgiving Break! No classes.

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30 & Dec. 1st: Crazy FUN Day

December Theme: Crazy PJ Day and Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

**Santa is Coming to FUN on Dec. 1st @10:30-11:30 AM! Come see Santa in the Nursery and take a picture with him.**

FUN CHRISTMAS BREAK officially begins on Dec. 2nd. However, several high school classes will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec.8th and 9th. Check with your teacher.



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