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Happy Friendship Month!

We are so thankful for our FUNdamental Friends and Family! You make Wednesdays FUN and our homeschooling journey an adventure!


February 5: Ukulele Class class start. Contact to register for Ukulele


Entire Month of Feb: Mom Math Time with Mrs. De. Bring your lunch to Mrs. De's class. Join us from 12:00-12:30. Each week Carrie will show moms FUN games they can play and FUN picture books they can read to help teach math at home. Geared for 3rd -8th grade math. Check FUN FB page each week for math topics to be covered.


February 19th: Crazy FUN Day: BFF Twin/ Triplet Day. Tweedledee & Tweedledum. Thing 1 & Thing 2! Coordinate your outfits and come to class dressed the same with your BFF's!


February 19th: Yogurt Land FUNdraiser and Special Treat: $5 bowls with 3 toppings. Preorder on Feb. 12th. Pick up on Feb. 19th. **All proceeds go to facility rental fund.**


February 26th: NO CLASS (It is our 6 week break except this time it is on the 7th week). For other important break dates, click on "Calendar" tab.


February 29th: Come spend time with your homeschooling friends at our Special Weekend for homeschooling moms. LAST DAY to get $45 online registration fee is Feb.29th. Late registration is $55 and at the door is $65. Don't miss out and bring a friend! Click here to register today.


©2018 by FUNdamentals: Wednesday Classes for Homeschoolers. Proudly created with

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