Holiday FUN
Mark Your Calendars!
November 15th & 16th: Thanks for Giving Donation Drive Ends
LAST DAY to hand in Homemade Thank You Cards and/or gift cards of any denomination to any place. See Post with Details
November 19th 5:00 PM: Movie Night @ Hills Church
Free! See post for details
November 22nd & 23rd: NO CLASS
Thanksgiving Break
December 6th & 7th: Crazy FUN Day
Ugly Sweater and PJ Day
LAST DAY in December for most FUN classes
**December 13th & 14th: ONLY Mr. Sander's Wednesday classes and Ms. Payne's Tuesday classes will meet.
Check with your FUN teacher just in case.
Volunteer to help serve at Hills Church Food Bank: SIGN UP FORM
You can always find important dates and events at our FUN website under the "Calendar" tab. Reminder: It is best to view our FUN website on a laptop. The phone version is not user-friendly and is incomplete.