Mark Your Calendars
Mark Your Calendars:
Wednesday, August 31st: Mandatory Parent Info Meeting
RSVP and reserve your spot for the Meeting: CLICK HERE
There are four different times to choose from.
Tuesday and Wednesday, September 6th & 7th: First Day of Classes
Check FUNdamentals Website During August:
Important Announcements
Class changes or additions
Join FUN 2022-2023 Remind App
Make sure you join our Remind Text Class for 2022-2023.
You are not automatically entered into our new 2022-2023 Remind class.
When you registered with FUN, you received a confirmation email with directions on how to join our Remind Text Class and how to subscribe to our FUN website.
Both are important for announcements and emergencies.
Curious About 2022-2023 Calendar?
Check out FUNdamentals Website and click on the "Calendar" Tab.
All dates for 2022-2023 School Year are already posted.
**Crazy FUN Themes may change but the dates will not.**
**The laptop version is best! If you are viewing the website on your phone, some information is missing.**
Classes Are Filling Up!
Our 2022-2023 schedule has been updated on the website (Schedule Tab)
If a class block is red, the class is full with a waiting list.
If an instructor requires a deposit to hold your spot, make sure you submit that deposit to the instructor ASAP.
We pray August is relaxing, safe, and FUN!
