2022-2023 Class Descriptions
REMINDER: All returning and new families MUST register with FUNdamentals FIRST.
Instructors will not take your forms, deposits or hold a space for your child if he/she is not on file with the Co-Op Leader. You are not automatically enrolled in classes when you register for FUN co-op. You must contact the teachers directly after you have registered with FUN co-op .Participants are not officially enrolled in a class until the parent has contacted the instructor directly and handed in all forms requested by the instructor.

Classes for Teens
Enroll in any of our challenging and FUN learning opportunties for high school age homeschoolers. We offer electives as well as subjects required for CA graduation requirements. All of our high school science, government, Bible and history classes are taught from a biblical worldview. Many instructors are community providers for most charter schools.
Classes for Middles
We offer core subjects for 5th-8th graders that teach and reinforce fundamental skills such as computation, writing, science, and foreign languages. We also offer enrichment opportunities in the arts that teach fundamental skills such as drawing, music, and art history. We also offer FUNdamental learning sessions that are just plain FUN to take such as Gameology, Legos and dance. Many of our instructors are community providers for charter schools.

Classes for Littles
Your littles will love learning and playing with all of their FUNdamental friends. In many of our FUNdamental classes, games, movement, and songs are used to reinforce the skills and concepts being learned at home. Many of our instructors are community providers for charter schools.
Mom Activities
We don't want our FUN moms to feel left out. Since we are not a drop off program, we ask moms to stay on campus while their students are in classes and while on breaks. Moms can help by volunteering around campus with our "clean up crew", by fellowshipping with other moms or by participating in a few classes.